
Slight marring and scratches can usually be hidden with Sprayglow and MIROWAX 738 (See technical data sheets for application). For deeper scratches in a small area, the area first needs to be sanded and the repair edges feathered. Then multiple coats of Spraylac can be applied extending the wet edge further with every coat to blend into the existing finish, after 24 hrs dry burnish with MIROWAX 738.

For small repairs Spraylac can be used but for larger areas and all over refinishing, specialist refinishing equipment is needed. In this situation one of Mirotone’s clear coatings such as MIROCAT, MIROBILD or MIROTHANE can be used. If you are looking for a Nitrocellulose clear coating MIROLAC NC 3150 CTB can be used. When using any of the above coatings contact your friendly Technical Service Representative for more detailed information.

This will depend upon your requirements e.g. end use application, health and safety requirements, etc.

Harsh in service environments like bathrooms, kitchen bench tops, commercial tabletops require durable coating systems like MIROTHANE PU 5555 Clear Topcoat or MIROTHANE PU 5650 Pigmented Topcoat, whereas occasional furniture such as wall units, TV units, wall and ceiling panels don’t have to be as hard wearing and so a single pack product may be suitable. Look at the Ideal application area under each product page to see if the coating is suitable for your end use.

Gloss is the reflectance of light from the cured film of the coating. The more the light reflects, the glossier the coating appears. Mirotone supplies coatings in a range of gloss levels including matt, satin, semi-gloss and full gloss. For more information about gloss levels refer the technical bulletin “Gloss Levels”.

All Mirotone data sheets recommend compatible products. Mirotone’s Easy Find Guide is also a quick reference guide that lists compatible products.

If recoating by brush use MIROTEC WB 8052 Clear Topcoat, if applying by spray use MIROCAT PC 3220 Clear Topcoat.

Polyurethane coatings have better chemical and water resistance properties and don’t white mark. Both require airfed masks and PPE and you can tailor a hardener package to use with polyurethanes that will enable fast drying.

Use a microfibre cloth, mild detergent and never use harsh abrasive cleaners. For more information, refer the technical bulletin Caring for your quality furniture & Fixtures.

Dye stains are more transparent making them brighter in colour, they are usually sprayed on and left. Whereas pigment stains are made up of natural pigments and produce a more “earthy” appearance, they are wiped on and wiped off. Pigment stains are more light fast and reduce the risk of fading.

Health & Safety

Yes, Mirotone has many coatings that are ideal for coating toys and nursery furniture. Refer to “Ways to Use Our Products” for further information.

Mirotone data sheets can be found on the website and the MSDS are available via a link from the website to the Chemwatch website.

Refer to the Technical Bulletin Volatile Organic Compounds for further information.

Refer to the Technical Bulletin Volatile Organic Compounds for further information.

Yes, MIROTEC WB 8022 Clear Sealer & MIROTEC WB 8060 Clear Topcoat both comply with the Green Building Council Australia: Green Star – Office Design v3 & Office As Built, Table IEQ-13.1 Maximum TVOC Content Limits for Paints, Varnishes and Protective Coatings.

Note that the criteria for VOC content in paint in IEQ-13 ’Volatile Organic Compounds’ refers only to paint applied on site (i.e. excludes paint applied in a spray booth at a factory).

No, Mirotone’s range of clear and pigmented coatings for wood all comply with AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2003 (Children’s Toy Safety Requirements) & BS/EN 71-3:1995 (Safety of Toys) Part 3. Specification for migration of certain elements.

The standards specify that the coatings do not contain the following prohibited materials: Heavy metals, antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, strontium or metallic lead or alloys of lead, asbestos, ammonium nitrate or lithium hydroxide.

Note: Mirotone products developed for coating metal do not all comply with the standards above, for further information check with your Technical Representative.


The question of which coating is best to use is dependent upon a number of different factors such as end use application, substrate, equipment and skill of applicator and a range of other considerations. Refer to the “Ways to Use our Products” table for a guide of coatings suitable for different end uses. The technical bulletin “Coating System Performance" will also give you some guidance on things to consider when choosing the right coating for your job.

Visit our contact us page to find your local branch or distributor.

Mirotone has a range of low yellowing coatings including MIROBILD AC 3606 Low Yellowing, MIROTHANE PU 5577 Sun-Shield & MIROTEC WB 8060 Clear Coatings. Refer to the attached data sheets for full details.

Antimicrobial Coatings

Very. Biomanster is proven to inhibit the growth of microbes by up to 99.99%.

Yes. It is based on silver ion technology, recognised for centuries with no harmful effects. Biomaster is used in medical, food and water applications.

An antimicrobial inhibits the growth of, or destroys harmful micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi and moulds. An antibacterial specifically prevents the growth of bacteria.

Yes, repeatedly. Biomaster is tested to ISO standards. We also undertake on-going quality control tests and environmental trials.

No. Biomaster does not use nano technology due to ongoing safety concerns.

Biomaster pioneered the use of antimicrobial additives and remains the recognised leader and most trusted supplier of antimicrobial technology for polymers, textiles, paper, paints and coatings.

Unless it carries the Biomaster symbol, you don’t. Ask before you buy it.

Biomaster is effective for the intended lifetime of the product its added to. It is built-in and doesn’t wear off or leach out.

No. You can’t see, smell or even taste Biomaster.

Yes, Biomaster has been proven to be effective to antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as resistant bacteria such as resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE).

No. Biomaster protects product surfaces in between cleans.

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